XM Studios анонсировали выпуск статуи Росомахи "Оружие Икс" в формате 1/4.
Релиз ожидается в феврале 2018 года.
Цена составит около 810$.
Предзаказы откроются 11 декабря.
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Вы здесь » Клуб Art & Toys » Новости о статуях » [XM Studios] Marvel: Wolverine - Weapon X (1/4)
XM Studios анонсировали выпуск статуи Росомахи "Оружие Икс" в формате 1/4.
Релиз ожидается в феврале 2018 года.
Цена составит около 810$.
Предзаказы откроются 11 декабря.
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А что значит цена около 810$? 809 или 811?
А что значит цена около 810$? 809 или 811?
Думаю 800$ сама статуя и 10$ доставка
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XM Studios Weapon X 1/4 Statue
XM Studios
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XM Studios Weapon X 1/4 Statue
ХУДОЖНИКИ: Daniel Bel (Sculpt)
Размер товара: 80 cm H X 40 cm L X 50 cm B
ограничение: MTO
"The origins of the clandestine Weapon X Program date back to 1945 when a civilian advisor to the American military named Thorton investigated a liberated concentration camp and discovered the hidden laboratory of the enigmatic geneticist Mister Sinister. Using Sinister’s research as the basis for his own work, Thorton, also known simply as the Professor, chose Wolverine as his first test subject. Wolverine was kidnapped and taken to a Canadian facility where he was subjected to a brutal process in which the near-indestructible metal Adamantium was bonded to his skeleton, including his mutant claws. The Professor was surprised at the full extent of Logan’s mutant nature, which enabled him to recover from the process far more rapidly than anticipated. Reduced to a quasi-mindless state, Wolverine was sent to slaughter the inhabitants of the small town of Roanoke as a test of his abilities. Wolverine ultimately broke free of the Professor’s conditioning and ran amok in the Weapon X facility. In the course of his escape, he slew most of the facility’s personnel."
STGCC 2017
STGCC 2017
Отредактировано GrumpyBear (13.12.2017 20:01)
Одна из моих любимых статуй! Просто Великолепно. Жаль не по карману. Решил делать кастом.
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Вы здесь » Клуб Art & Toys » Новости о статуях » [XM Studios] Marvel: Wolverine - Weapon X (1/4)