Dam Toys анонсировала Фото Конкурс по теме фигурок Gangsters Kingdom 2016 . Приём работ с 11 ноября по 22 декабря 2016.
- Участник должен предоставить не менее 3 фотографий (2000x2000pix)
- можно использовать фотошоп, делать комикс-фото, иллюстрации.
- фотографии нужно отправить на мейл arts@damtoys.com
(указать имя , ник, почтовый адрес с индексом страны , номер телефона или другие способы связи)
- фотографии будут отобраны сотрудниками компании и опубликуются в инстаграм , weibo, facebook.
*Общее количество лайков сформирует результат .
Голосование продлится до 11 января.
фотографии некоторых призов прилагаются.
This contest is all about photograph, illustration & comics! And the prizes are various!!
Including the limited special edition (only for this contest!) and debut of our new product!
Please check picture for details of the contest, and we are expecting to see your great artworks and awesome photo!
Entry Time:
11th November - 22nd December 2016
First Prize x 10
Gangsters Kingdom 1/6 Diamond 5-Ralap Special Edition
Second Prize x 12
Gangsters Kingdom 1/6 - Side Story - Neil
Third Prize x 15
Gangsters Kingdom Life-Size Tatoo Hand 1
Honorable Mention x 60
Gangsters Kingdom Spade J Comics & Diamond 2 Comics + Tee
1. Entries must about Damtoys‘ Gangsters Kingdom series figures & characters.
2. All new photo & artworks required, entries must be made by entrant exclusively for this contest, cannot be published elsewhere previously.
3. Contestant should submitted at least 3 photo. No quantity requires of illustration and comic.
4. Entries can be manufactured by Software (such like photoshop etc)
5. Size of single entry no less than 2000x2000pix
Submission and selection
1. Please send your entries to arts@damtoys.com,with your name, online id, postal address (with postcode, phone number) and other contact information
2. Our staff will select the best entries to post on our official Weibo, Facebook and Instagram.
3. The final result depends on the sum of reposts & likes numbers on our official Weibo, Facebook and Instagram.
4. The counting of vote will be closed on 11th Jan 2017.
*Any entries and votes suspected to be plagiarism or fraud, contestant will be disqualified.
*Damtoys reserves all the right.